Engaging Presentations

National Celebrate Life 2024

Michael Kenney speaks from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the National Celebrate Life Rally 2024.

National Celebrate Life Rally 2024

National Celebrate Life Gala 2024

Tribute to Dr. Nathanson

Michael Kenney delivers a tribute to Dr. Nathanson at the National Celebrate Life Day Gala 2023.

Equal Protection For All

Our North Star in the pro-life movement remains the same as ever: the end of abortion through ensuring the equal protection of the laws. The pro-life movement must direct its steps according to the existing guarantee in our Constitution that secures equal protection for all.  Read the Equal Protection For All cover letter.

North Star

The Pro-Life Movement’s North Star: Equal Protection

The same constitutional principles that ensured equal protection for black Americans also protect defenseless children in the womb.  Read the article in the National Review

National Review

National Celebrate Life Day

Michael Kenney speaks from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the June 2023 National Celebrate Life Day.

The Lincoln Memorial Rally

The Gala in D.C.

State of the Union: Land of Lincoln or Marx?

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Toledo presents this special episode of Faith Alive aired on Annunciation Radio May 2, 2023. This week’s program has Michael Kenney, President of the Pro-Life Partners Foundation and his presentation before the Catholic Business Network Breakfast on April 20th.

Endowments for Life

Michael Kenney speaks at 40 Days For Life: The Beginning of the End of Abortion

Thank God for Michigan

Michael Kenney speaks at St. Francis of Assisi Church about the importance of Michigan Proposal 3.  During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln said “Thank God for Michigan.”  Michigan will again play a pivitol role by voting No on Proposal 3, and by voting for Pro-Life judges.

OSV Talk: Equal Justice For All, Except the Unborn

Michael was a freshman in high school when abortion became legal in the United States. Shocked by this development, he went on to become a lawyer and advocate for life. Sharing the history of abortion in America, Michael describes how abortion is unjust and unconstitutional.

Watch the Conversation

Michael Kenney joins the OSV Talk Podcast to have a follow up conversation with Doug Tooke.

Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter, where we explore the world through the lens of goodness, truth, and beauty. Hosted by Michael Kenney. Sponsored by Ave Maria Mutual Funds.


Attorney, author, and movie producer Michael Kenney presents “The Making of Unplanned”, a behind the scenes look at Abby Johnson’s conversion to the pro-life movement.  

In God We Trust

In God We Trust

by George P. Schwartz and Michael O. Kenney

“If you love America, you need to read this book.”

Pamela Gossiaux, Goodreads

“… expressing your deeply held beliefs through your investment strategy … You will not regret reading this book.”

Mike Ball, Goodreads

Available at InGodWeTrustBook.com

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